He told me he was excited to do some work to his Honda. As soon as the words left his mouth I waited with the eagerness of a 12 year old on Christmas for the words i knew would come next.
V-Tech! He did not disappoint. Honda drivers love to highlight that they have a v-tech motor, as if the extra 9 horsepower of the upgraded motor will somehow make their entry level front wheel drive family sedan less shitty.
He started telling me about the plans for his next modification; He wanted to switch his American Honda civic's interior so that the steering wheel was on the right side instead of the left side.
"Yeah dude that's how they do it in Japan!" Clearly this guy has watched tokyo drift too many times.
So he took the civic to a shop and they quoted him 15000 dollars to do the job. 15 grand! that's at least 15 times what the car is worth, just to ruin the value by making his car look "JDM".
In case it wasn't obvious by the fact that he thought it was a good idea to modify a civic, this guy wasn't very smart, and he didn't have alot of money, so he decided to take a short cut by going to a shop in central pheonix and getting the job done for half the price.
He went to that part of pheonix, which if you've never been to arizona, is pretty much like mexico, and boy did he get his money's worth. That car came out and I'll be damned if it didn't look like it came from the factory in japan with a RHD configuration. The problem came when he tried to actually drive the car
It wasn't a problem that the wheel was now on the wrong side of the car, or that the shifter was now controlled by the opposite hand; well it might have been, he never even made it that far. He put the key in the ignition and it started right up, but as he rolled down the driveway he started to turn, but the car did not. Turns out those brilliant AZ mechanics hadn't connected the steering column to anything!
"eh man you just said you wanted the steering wheel on the other side you never said it had to turn or nothing." said the mechanic.
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