This is a story a wrote a few years ago, right after it happened:
I assumed it would a night like any other; it sure didn't start out any differently. I had just got home from a decently productive day of filming for a new BMX web-edit and strolled into my friend[B]'s apartment ready to make moves. It was after 7pm so at that point I would suspect them to already be drinking but I was surprised to see they were just sitting there in sobriety, taking advantage of their newly acquired Xbox 360.
"What's going on tonight?" I inquired. Their responses were less than promising. It looked like it would be another night with the normal entourage, playing beer pong in my apartment with a handful of people until we could find something better to do such as a party to go to. I began searching my phone for options to fulfill the latter portion of that plan. The initial responses to that were again, less than promising.
Time passed and I became angry that I was not yet intoxicated. B claimed he had to go pick up [his girlfriend] so I instructed him to return with beer so we could start drinking and he agreed.
B's roommate, [W], stated he was going to take a short power nap to be ready for the night... needless to say that was the last we saw of him that night.
While B left to make his moves I went back to my apartment to wait until something presented itself. After a while I grew impatient so I called B who informed me that he was being delayed by [girlfriend]. I was almost angry until my roommate, J, informed me that our other friend was having a house party. Excited by finally having something to do we got a bottle of Jagermister, took a few quick shots, and left to the party.
When we got to the party, the shots started to sink in but I was still only feeling a little buzzed. We brought our own cups(because we're college kids and don't want to pay 5$), so after making some quick hello's we made straight for the keg. After a few beers and some time circulating the party, I was finally approaching the optimal stage of drunk. I walked outside with J and some other people so they could smoke cigarettes and shortly afterwards was approached by a girl, we'll call her [drunkslut], looking for a lighter. By this point a couple of other drunk girls has asked us for lighters and then, after lighting their deathsticks, turned and walked away. Assuming this was another one of those encounters I directed her to my smoking friends as I knew one of them had a lighter. However, after she lit her cigarette she hung around and we start talking. "I like your lip ring..."
She continued to blatantly hit on me for a little while then I told her we should go inside. We go into the house for some more blatant flirting and next thing i know we are making out. It got pretty intense at some points and we stop only occasionally for her to grind on me in rhythm to the music blaring from the nearby stereo (according to eyewitnesses this went on for close to 45 minutes). Eventually I had to just push her away from me so I could drink more beer and receive attention from other people at the party. I went outside to refill my cup when another girl who I've known for a while runs up to me.
"Wow Jon, you've been making out with that girl for like an hour!"
"What can I say, I'm damn good."
"Didn't you need to stop to breathe?"
"Ha, yeah that's why I had to push her off me and come out here"
"HaHa, I like your style"
Feeling pretty confident I went to go find J to hear further praise of my conduct. While talking to him we see drunkslut stumble by talking on the phone. She comes up to me and says "Hey we're leaving, do you wanna come with us?" Now this girl was probably only a 3 star but she was doing all the work and besides, WWTMD? So obviously I said yes and preceded to get stuffed into the back seat of some SUV with about 8 other people. We stopped to get some beer and then went to drunkslut's friend's apartment to drink it. I wasn't really sure what was going on but there was alcohol so I was happy. We get upstairs and the girls go into another room together and talk. Apparently drunkslut's friend, drunkerslut, was pissed that drunkslut was just making out with me instead of paying attention to her. When they came out they claimed it was resolved but then drunkslut said we should go back to her place. Her roommate calls a cab (which the guy she was with payed for) and we get back to their place. Drunkslut dragged me back to her room where we almost immediately hit her bed... After some mild foreplay we start to get into it. This girl gave it to me rough, I probably still have marks from her biting me but I loved every minute of it. For a while anyways, I have a short attention span. I left the room to go to the bathroom and when I came out she was asleep. I saw the clock next to her bed and it was 7am, damn were we really up all night?! I had already decided I didn't want to see this girl again so I got dressed and left, making sure not to wake her in the process, never to see her again. I still have no idea who she was, I don't think we had any mutual friends at that party, but goddamn was that a great night.