For those of you that have never played craps, [from wikipedia:] "Each round has two phases: Come Out and Point. To start a round, the shooter makes one or more Come Out rolls. A Come Out roll of 2, 3 or 12 (called Craps, the shooter is said to 'crap out') ends the round with players losing their Pass Line bets. A Come Out roll of 7 or 11 (a Natural)
results in a win for Pass Line bets. The shooter continues to make Come
Out rolls until he rolls 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, which number becomes the
Point. The dealer then moves an On button to the point
number signifying the second phase of the round. If the shooter rolls
the point number, the result is a win for bets on the Pass Line. If the
shooter rolls a seven (a Seven-out), the pass line loses and the round ends."
I have decided that this can easily become a drinking game, and the best part is that all you need are a couple of dice. However, some might find the rules slightly complicated so let me lay it out as simply as I can:
Player roles two dice. If the result is 2, 3, or 12, the player loses and must drink. If the result is 7 or 11, the player wins and can pass out one drink to another player. If a point is rolled (4,
5, 6, 8, 9, 10) it must be repeated before a 7 is thrown
in order to win. In other words, the player must reroll until they get what they originally rolled, or a 7. In this case a 7 is a lose and the player must drink; rolling the same number as the first role is a win and the player can pass out one drink.
I think that this game will be alot of fun, not to mention a quick way to get drunk, so make sure to tell your friends!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
A recent observation
Usually when a group of guys is planning on heading to a house party they will try to bring a group of girls with them to increase their chances of getting in. Once inside, however, it is not uncommon for the guys to separate so they can try and meet other girls. Girls have a similar strategy. They might bring a few guys with them to a party or even a bar, but for a much different reason. A girl's biggest fear when going out is being relentlessly hit on by an overbearing and creepy guy. An effective way of preventing this is by having guy friends standing right next to them.
This may make it sound like they are trying to be unapproachable and therefore you shouldn't even attempt to talk to them but the important thing to remember is this: while any hot girl will not have a hard time finding a guy to hit on her, there is always a shortage of GOOD guys. If you are out and you see a girl or girls who are hanging out with guys, you should remain confident and introduce yourself. Next, you'll want to make sure that the girl actually is single, and many times you will find the guy is just there as a friend. Then it's just a matter of turning on the charm. From here, there are two ways you can go: the first, is to separate the girl you're interested in from her friends so you can talk to her in private. This approach can be risky because you may find her group of friends will come back to cockblock you and take her away. The better approach is to keep the conversation focused on her so that she picks up on your intentions but keep her friends involved enough such that they begin to like you as well thus making them more likely to let her leave with you.
Guys bring girls to parties to help them get in. Girls bring guys to parties for protection. When poorly executed, this may lead to no one meeting anyone. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
(this story actually occurred a few months ago but I started writing it right after it happened...)
Last night me and my friend came up with an awesome new game. We were drinking at my house, playing beer pong and chatting with some of the neighbors. Then one of my friends decides we should go out downtown. Its already pretty late at this point, and I was not exactly sober, but I reluctantly agree and we walk downtown. We know one of the bouncers at one of the bars in downtown Lowell so that's usually the place we end up, and this night was no exception. We walk in and go get a couple drinks, but I wasn't even that interested in drinking (like I said, we already had been drinking all night), I really just wanted to talk to girls. In order to help things along I turn to my friend and try to encourage him with a challenge: who can get the most numbers. He agrees so I say, "go" and walk away. The first girl I tried to talk to informed me that she had a boyfriend so I left her alone. I went to the dance floor and asked the second girl to dance. She was down but her friend swoops in with her palm held in front of her and pushes me away. Fuck it, I'm not discouraged. I head over to a different part of the bar and go up to the third girl. She was apparently on her way out but I stopped her, introduced myself, and got her to talk to me long enough to get her number before she had to leave and catch up with her friends. The funniest part of the whole interaction wasn't even me talking to the girl; as she started walking away I was still putting her number in my phone and some random d00d that was watching the whole thing just looks at me in awe. I looked up at him, smiled, said, "that's all it takes..." then walked away to go find my friend.
The lesson I got out of this is that the keys to success are persistence and confidence. And it really is true in all aspects of life. If you don't let failure get you down and believe what you're saying, people will listen to you.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
CEOS AND OFFICE HOES may be my new favorite theme. But maybe that's just because I love dressing up.
Last friday we celebrated my roommates and one of our good friend's birthdays. It was pretty last minute, at least compared to most newnaughty parties. We only came up with the idea the weekend before (though I really should say 'we', I had surprisingly little to do with the planning this time) but we had a great turn out. It wasn't quite as packed as the back to school party, which was good because that meant you could actually walk around. We did have to kick out a few kids who failed to show up in proper attire, but they never gave me any trouble and, in fact, everyone who attended was really cool.
I had such a great time, there is a very good chance we will have another party with this theme. In the mean time, I'm thinking about throwing a blacklight party for my birthday which is coming up in a few weeks. We did that last year and it was amazing. So keep an eye out for more details about that. We also just started work on a newnaughty podcast so stay tuned cause that will be out soon.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Back2School Party
Thanks so much to everyone who came to our 2nd annual Back2School party for helping us kick off the new party season with style. For those of you who weren't there, here's what happened:
Up front we had DJ Justin Loranger start setting things off around 9:30. My roommates and I tapped the keg and started things off with some Beruit in the kitchen. By 10:30, confident and I had been on the table for 6 straight wins, our place was packed, and we had gone through 50 cups. As in, 50 people had them. We quickly started to realize that 1 keg wouldn't be enough. In Massachusetts you can only buy beer until 11pm so confident ran out with someone who actually was sober enough to drive to go pick up another one. And it was a good thing we did because the first keg was empty by the time they got back!
I spent the rest of the night meeting new people and I'm happy to say there was alot of great people here. Nobody ended up getting into fights or being rude really at all. We'd been talking about renting out a venue for a party/event and this night was a perfect example of why we need to. Our place was packed, we had to even start turning people away, and that started earlier than I expected.
The entire night was crazy, but i mean that in the best way. We emptied 2 kegs, a handful of bottles, and w/e else people ended up bringing. I started losing my voice around the end of the night and I still haven't fully recovered, so hopefully I'll be over that by this weekend, and lets hope that this set's the pace for the rest of the school year, because I know everyone had a blast.
Make sure to like us on facebook because our future parties will probably be limited to invite only, and that's the only way to get on the list!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Well I was hoping to have an awesome video post today but apparently I don't have the right cable so we're gonna have to settle for just text:
We've got a great situation right now. We now live right next to both a sorority and a fraternity. And big shout out to both of them because weve been having a blast partying with them.
Last night the fraternity was throwing a party and just had way too many people so they were turning people away by 10pm. My roommate and I are walking past there house coming back from the store and they stop us and offer up the idea of us throwing a sort of overflow party. So my roommate jumps in a car with them to go get a keg, while I start bringing some people from off the street up to our place. By the time they got back with the keg our place was packed to the point that we had to start turning people away and they started a third party in the basement. It was definitely pretty crazy, and I got to meet a lot of new girls. This saturday is our back to school party and I have no doubts that it is gonna be sick, so make sure you're there! As soon as that party is over well be planning our next one so if you have a request for a theme leave a comment.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Don't you love that feeling when everything you say to a woman gets a positive reaction. When every move you make is the right one. This feeling has come to be known as "godmode" and that really is the best name for it. It's like you can do no wrong. This video does a pretty good job of explaining what I'm talking about:
Once you watch that, celebrate your confidence with a great newnaughty tshirt, like this one:
Once you watch that, celebrate your confidence with a great newnaughty tshirt, like this one:
Friday, September 14, 2012
NewNaughty T Shirts
For the past couple weekends I've been wearing this shirt around:

People keep asking where they can get one of their own. Well, these shirts (as well as others) are available online at our shop Here
Check out the rest of our shirts.
People keep asking where they can get one of their own. Well, these shirts (as well as others) are available online at our shop Here
Check out the rest of our shirts.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
spontaneous parties are the best
School started for UML students this week. The most important effect of this is that the town has finally come alive. The first sign of this was when me and my roommate were walking to get food, somewhere around 1am, and ended up being invited to 3 parties all within walking distance (and yes, we made an appearance at each one). Between the NewNaughty house, the frat and sorority next door, and all the other college kids that live in this neighborhood, there's always something going on.
The other night a couple of my friends and I were hanging out in front of our place with some of the neighbors, drinking a few beers before we hit the bars. Seemingly out of no where, a large herd of freshman came walking down the street. They first walked past us but then they just stopped in the middle of the street. It wasn't long before it became obvious that they didn't actually have anywhere to go so one of the girls we were with yelled over to them.
We moved everyone down to the basement and next thing you know we had a party. It was pretty chill there was beer, beirut, and girls; what more could you ask for? I was also really glad to meet some new people so our parties will have some new guests. The only trouble came when we inevitably ran out of alcohol but NewNaughty quickly resolved this by leaving and going to the bar.
It was a great night and I was glad that all of NewNaughty was there. I've no doubt this was only the first of many great nights to come.
The other night a couple of my friends and I were hanging out in front of our place with some of the neighbors, drinking a few beers before we hit the bars. Seemingly out of no where, a large herd of freshman came walking down the street. They first walked past us but then they just stopped in the middle of the street. It wasn't long before it became obvious that they didn't actually have anywhere to go so one of the girls we were with yelled over to them.
We moved everyone down to the basement and next thing you know we had a party. It was pretty chill there was beer, beirut, and girls; what more could you ask for? I was also really glad to meet some new people so our parties will have some new guests. The only trouble came when we inevitably ran out of alcohol but NewNaughty quickly resolved this by leaving and going to the bar.
It was a great night and I was glad that all of NewNaughty was there. I've no doubt this was only the first of many great nights to come.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
So NewNaughty has been pretty quiet this summer as we've all been busy with different things, but school is starting soon which means everyone will be back @ UML and ready to party.
We'll be kicking things off in September with our back2school bash.
In case you've been living under a rock and have never been to one of our parties, here's a taste of what you can expect in the coming months:

We'll be kicking things off in September with our back2school bash.
In case you've been living under a rock and have never been to one of our parties, here's a taste of what you can expect in the coming months:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Did anyone else from UML hear the 2 girls on WAAF this morning bragging about how many frat dudes they have been with?
WAAF had these 2 girls from UML on their show yesterday and it was hilarious. These girls were talking about how all they do is go to frat parties and bang dudes. If you missed it you can check it out here: (bonus points if you post their facebook links)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Did you get the metaphor?
I think I know why babe ruth liked to call out his homeruns by pointing into the stands...
Just as most men have, I have had my share of dry spells, and they can have a dramatic impact on your confidence. Often, these dry spells are the result of overconfidence, which can be perceived as cockiness, and turn off many girls. But sometimes, you're standing in the batter's box watching nothing but balls fly by. When that does happen theres nothing better than eying a strike and watching it fly into the stands after you finally make contact.
Just as most men have, I have had my share of dry spells, and they can have a dramatic impact on your confidence. Often, these dry spells are the result of overconfidence, which can be perceived as cockiness, and turn off many girls. But sometimes, you're standing in the batter's box watching nothing but balls fly by. When that does happen theres nothing better than eying a strike and watching it fly into the stands after you finally make contact.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I'm the first to admit that living in the dorms is kind of a drag. The dorms I lived in my freshman year at ASU were apparently the best ones on campus, and we still had lots to complain about: 4 people sharing 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, windows that wouldn't open, and RAs who constantly sought to get kids in trouble. I understand that kids at some other schools have it way worse, but that was pretty bad compared to the living conditions I had previously grown accustomed to. But no matter how much we complained, there were definitely some benefits to living in the same building as 500 other college freshman.
Probably my best memory from living in the dorms was the first night. After everyone finished moving in and the parents had all left, the nightlife began. My roommate was eager to use his new fake ID so our first move was to walk to the nearest store and load up. We brought two backpacks into which we stuffed as much beer and liquor as we could before heading back on campus. ASU, despite it's reputation for being a party school, is a dry campus. That means even students who are 21, are not allowed to have alcohol anywhere on school property (I'm pretty sure this this is the main reason why the frats there are so bad at throwing parties). Not that it mattered since neither of us were 21, and would have had trouble bringing 2 30 racks into a freshman dorm regardless. [Roommate] carried the bags while I went through the main entrance, past the RA desk, to open the door to the back stairs. We carefully made our way up to our room, and cracked a few beers.
So we had the alcohol, we just needed people to drink it with. Our thought pattern went something like this: we are freshman at Arizona State, a school with a reputation for partying, in a building with hundreds of other freshman who knew that before choosing to come here; obviously they all want to party. That's how we met our neighbors.
We walked up and down the hallway knocking on every door and letting whoever was behind it know that our room was the place to be that night. That turned out to be the best plan ever; our room, small as it was, was packed with people and we all got wasted in true ASU fashion. I don't even remember the details from that night, but I do remember alot of the people who were there, and the adventures we had together the rest of that year.
Probably my best memory from living in the dorms was the first night. After everyone finished moving in and the parents had all left, the nightlife began. My roommate was eager to use his new fake ID so our first move was to walk to the nearest store and load up. We brought two backpacks into which we stuffed as much beer and liquor as we could before heading back on campus. ASU, despite it's reputation for being a party school, is a dry campus. That means even students who are 21, are not allowed to have alcohol anywhere on school property (I'm pretty sure this this is the main reason why the frats there are so bad at throwing parties). Not that it mattered since neither of us were 21, and would have had trouble bringing 2 30 racks into a freshman dorm regardless. [Roommate] carried the bags while I went through the main entrance, past the RA desk, to open the door to the back stairs. We carefully made our way up to our room, and cracked a few beers.
So we had the alcohol, we just needed people to drink it with. Our thought pattern went something like this: we are freshman at Arizona State, a school with a reputation for partying, in a building with hundreds of other freshman who knew that before choosing to come here; obviously they all want to party. That's how we met our neighbors.
We walked up and down the hallway knocking on every door and letting whoever was behind it know that our room was the place to be that night. That turned out to be the best plan ever; our room, small as it was, was packed with people and we all got wasted in true ASU fashion. I don't even remember the details from that night, but I do remember alot of the people who were there, and the adventures we had together the rest of that year.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
When you live in a college town, summer time can be kind of boring. Alot of people who live there during the school year go home and in general things tend to slow down. But NewNaughty never slows down, and tonight were determined to prove it. Its a double-birthday celebration, and everyone is gonna be there... Pictures and stories to follow...
Friday, May 11, 2012
all the fun of drinking in public without the unwanted (police) attention!
The day I moved back to New England last year, just after we returned from the Barstool Booze Cruise, Batman and I were walking to a party in our nieghborhood. It was a short walk but we were on the street long enough for a cop to stop us because we were drinking from cans. He stopped me first, saw that it was just a red bull and left me alone. Batman was not as lucky, he was drinking a beer. The cop didn't give him too hard of a time, just made him pour it out and instructed him to recycle the can (yea right). Well now there's a way to drink in public, without being obvious about it, and personally I think it's brilliant. Just check out this video from to learn how:
Sunday, April 29, 2012
NewNaughty ABC party
Friday, April 27, 2012
Bailing in the nick of time
It was a friday night, and for whatever reason, no one was around to enjoy it. It was just confident and myself, and we did not have much faith in the night. Then I got the tip of a lifetime; a friend of mine informed me that a mutual acquaintance was planning a party. I didn't really need any more details than that; it had been a while since we had heard of any really fun parties that we weren't ourselves hosting. We showed up fashionably late, as usual, after pregaming pretty hard back at our place. Looking around we could see there was a few really attractive females, but the ratio was hardly in our favor so we decided to just create an opportunity for us to set ourselves apart from every other random guy there. We got on the beer pong table and ran it for a solid 4 games in a row. Not a very impressive run, but it was enough for us to maintain the center of attention and talk up NewNaughty.
We were having a decent time over there but we ran out of beer and got bored of talking to girls with boyfriends so we decided to leave and grab some late night grub. Our timing couldn't have been better, because just before we walked around the corner we looked back and saw flashing lights, and police officers walking towards the very door we just walked out of...
We were having a decent time over there but we ran out of beer and got bored of talking to girls with boyfriends so we decided to leave and grab some late night grub. Our timing couldn't have been better, because just before we walked around the corner we looked back and saw flashing lights, and police officers walking towards the very door we just walked out of...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Does anyone know what goes on in western Massachusetts? I've spent 7 years of my life living in New Hampshire, and the last year living in Lowell, MA, yet I have never had a single reason to travel west of Boston. Well the mystery of western Mass can now be laid to rest. In this video Dr. Westchesterson takes you on a tour around his home turf of Western Massachusetts; also known as...the 413.
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Honda Guy
So I was talking to a guy the other day, he was a small tattooed man of Mexican descent, not more than 30 years of age.
He told me he was excited to do some work to his Honda. As soon as the words left his mouth I waited with the eagerness of a 12 year old on Christmas for the words i knew would come next.
V-Tech! He did not disappoint. Honda drivers love to highlight that they have a v-tech motor, as if the extra 9 horsepower of the upgraded motor will somehow make their entry level front wheel drive family sedan less shitty.
He started telling me about the plans for his next modification; He wanted to switch his American Honda civic's interior so that the steering wheel was on the right side instead of the left side.
"Yeah dude that's how they do it in Japan!" Clearly this guy has watched tokyo drift too many times.
So he took the civic to a shop and they quoted him 15000 dollars to do the job. 15 grand! that's at least 15 times what the car is worth, just to ruin the value by making his car look "JDM".
In case it wasn't obvious by the fact that he thought it was a good idea to modify a civic, this guy wasn't very smart, and he didn't have alot of money, so he decided to take a short cut by going to a shop in central pheonix and getting the job done for half the price.
He went to that part of pheonix, which if you've never been to arizona, is pretty much like mexico, and boy did he get his money's worth. That car came out and I'll be damned if it didn't look like it came from the factory in japan with a RHD configuration. The problem came when he tried to actually drive the car
It wasn't a problem that the wheel was now on the wrong side of the car, or that the shifter was now controlled by the opposite hand; well it might have been, he never even made it that far. He put the key in the ignition and it started right up, but as he rolled down the driveway he started to turn, but the car did not. Turns out those brilliant AZ mechanics hadn't connected the steering column to anything!
"eh man you just said you wanted the steering wheel on the other side you never said it had to turn or nothing." said the mechanic.
He told me he was excited to do some work to his Honda. As soon as the words left his mouth I waited with the eagerness of a 12 year old on Christmas for the words i knew would come next.
V-Tech! He did not disappoint. Honda drivers love to highlight that they have a v-tech motor, as if the extra 9 horsepower of the upgraded motor will somehow make their entry level front wheel drive family sedan less shitty.
He started telling me about the plans for his next modification; He wanted to switch his American Honda civic's interior so that the steering wheel was on the right side instead of the left side.
"Yeah dude that's how they do it in Japan!" Clearly this guy has watched tokyo drift too many times.
So he took the civic to a shop and they quoted him 15000 dollars to do the job. 15 grand! that's at least 15 times what the car is worth, just to ruin the value by making his car look "JDM".
In case it wasn't obvious by the fact that he thought it was a good idea to modify a civic, this guy wasn't very smart, and he didn't have alot of money, so he decided to take a short cut by going to a shop in central pheonix and getting the job done for half the price.
He went to that part of pheonix, which if you've never been to arizona, is pretty much like mexico, and boy did he get his money's worth. That car came out and I'll be damned if it didn't look like it came from the factory in japan with a RHD configuration. The problem came when he tried to actually drive the car
It wasn't a problem that the wheel was now on the wrong side of the car, or that the shifter was now controlled by the opposite hand; well it might have been, he never even made it that far. He put the key in the ignition and it started right up, but as he rolled down the driveway he started to turn, but the car did not. Turns out those brilliant AZ mechanics hadn't connected the steering column to anything!
"eh man you just said you wanted the steering wheel on the other side you never said it had to turn or nothing." said the mechanic.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Geordie Shore.
Geordie (not to be confused with Geordi, as in Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge; see image A.) is the nickname given to people from Newcastle, England. The origin of the term is slightly disputed but there is no doubt that it is derived from the name George, apparently the most popular name for eldest sons in the region.
Image A:
Well regardless of how the name was earned, the current English citizens who identify themselves as Geordies are very different from the coal mining, king supporters of 18th century, when the nickname made its first appearance. I'm speaking, of course, of MTV UK's newest hit reality show, The Geordie Shore. As I'm sure you can tell from the name, the show is a British adaptation of the Jersey Shore, one of NewNaughty's favorite shows (to make fun of).
Often when shows end up in this situation, the new version isn't as good. However, I am happy to report that the Geordie Shore does not fall into this trap. In just the first episode there is plenty of drinking, cursing, fighting, nudity, and comedy the likes of which at times exceed the bar set by the Jersey Shore. As far as I know the only place to watch this show right now is on MTV UK (You may be able to find some of the episodes on YouTube) but I can only hope that it makes its way to American MTV because it has only run 2 seasons and it has already provided me with more entertainment than the entire series of jersey shore. If you can get past their strong English accents, and the fact that none of them are named George, I strongly recommend checking out Geordie Shore. Catch up on the first 2 seasons and get ready for the 3rd, which is to take place in Cancun! I can hardly wait.
Friday, April 6, 2012
This is a story a wrote a few years ago, right after it happened:
I assumed it would a night like any other; it sure didn't start out any differently. I had just got home from a decently productive day of filming for a new BMX web-edit and strolled into my friend[B]'s apartment ready to make moves. It was after 7pm so at that point I would suspect them to already be drinking but I was surprised to see they were just sitting there in sobriety, taking advantage of their newly acquired Xbox 360.
"What's going on tonight?" I inquired. Their responses were less than promising. It looked like it would be another night with the normal entourage, playing beer pong in my apartment with a handful of people until we could find something better to do such as a party to go to. I began searching my phone for options to fulfill the latter portion of that plan. The initial responses to that were again, less than promising.
Time passed and I became angry that I was not yet intoxicated. B claimed he had to go pick up [his girlfriend] so I instructed him to return with beer so we could start drinking and he agreed.
B's roommate, [W], stated he was going to take a short power nap to be ready for the night... needless to say that was the last we saw of him that night.
While B left to make his moves I went back to my apartment to wait until something presented itself. After a while I grew impatient so I called B who informed me that he was being delayed by [girlfriend]. I was almost angry until my roommate, J, informed me that our other friend was having a house party. Excited by finally having something to do we got a bottle of Jagermister, took a few quick shots, and left to the party.
When we got to the party, the shots started to sink in but I was still only feeling a little buzzed. We brought our own cups(because we're college kids and don't want to pay 5$), so after making some quick hello's we made straight for the keg. After a few beers and some time circulating the party, I was finally approaching the optimal stage of drunk. I walked outside with J and some other people so they could smoke cigarettes and shortly afterwards was approached by a girl, we'll call her [drunkslut], looking for a lighter. By this point a couple of other drunk girls has asked us for lighters and then, after lighting their deathsticks, turned and walked away. Assuming this was another one of those encounters I directed her to my smoking friends as I knew one of them had a lighter. However, after she lit her cigarette she hung around and we start talking. "I like your lip ring..."
She continued to blatantly hit on me for a little while then I told her we should go inside. We go into the house for some more blatant flirting and next thing i know we are making out. It got pretty intense at some points and we stop only occasionally for her to grind on me in rhythm to the music blaring from the nearby stereo (according to eyewitnesses this went on for close to 45 minutes). Eventually I had to just push her away from me so I could drink more beer and receive attention from other people at the party. I went outside to refill my cup when another girl who I've known for a while runs up to me.
"Wow Jon, you've been making out with that girl for like an hour!"
"What can I say, I'm damn good."
"Didn't you need to stop to breathe?"
"Ha, yeah that's why I had to push her off me and come out here"
"HaHa, I like your style"
Feeling pretty confident I went to go find J to hear further praise of my conduct. While talking to him we see drunkslut stumble by talking on the phone. She comes up to me and says "Hey we're leaving, do you wanna come with us?" Now this girl was probably only a 3 star but she was doing all the work and besides, WWTMD? So obviously I said yes and preceded to get stuffed into the back seat of some SUV with about 8 other people. We stopped to get some beer and then went to drunkslut's friend's apartment to drink it. I wasn't really sure what was going on but there was alcohol so I was happy. We get upstairs and the girls go into another room together and talk. Apparently drunkslut's friend, drunkerslut, was pissed that drunkslut was just making out with me instead of paying attention to her. When they came out they claimed it was resolved but then drunkslut said we should go back to her place. Her roommate calls a cab (which the guy she was with payed for) and we get back to their place. Drunkslut dragged me back to her room where we almost immediately hit her bed... After some mild foreplay we start to get into it. This girl gave it to me rough, I probably still have marks from her biting me but I loved every minute of it. For a while anyways, I have a short attention span. I left the room to go to the bathroom and when I came out she was asleep. I saw the clock next to her bed and it was 7am, damn were we really up all night?! I had already decided I didn't want to see this girl again so I got dressed and left, making sure not to wake her in the process, never to see her again. I still have no idea who she was, I don't think we had any mutual friends at that party, but goddamn was that a great night.
I assumed it would a night like any other; it sure didn't start out any differently. I had just got home from a decently productive day of filming for a new BMX web-edit and strolled into my friend[B]'s apartment ready to make moves. It was after 7pm so at that point I would suspect them to already be drinking but I was surprised to see they were just sitting there in sobriety, taking advantage of their newly acquired Xbox 360.
"What's going on tonight?" I inquired. Their responses were less than promising. It looked like it would be another night with the normal entourage, playing beer pong in my apartment with a handful of people until we could find something better to do such as a party to go to. I began searching my phone for options to fulfill the latter portion of that plan. The initial responses to that were again, less than promising.
Time passed and I became angry that I was not yet intoxicated. B claimed he had to go pick up [his girlfriend] so I instructed him to return with beer so we could start drinking and he agreed.
B's roommate, [W], stated he was going to take a short power nap to be ready for the night... needless to say that was the last we saw of him that night.
While B left to make his moves I went back to my apartment to wait until something presented itself. After a while I grew impatient so I called B who informed me that he was being delayed by [girlfriend]. I was almost angry until my roommate, J, informed me that our other friend was having a house party. Excited by finally having something to do we got a bottle of Jagermister, took a few quick shots, and left to the party.
When we got to the party, the shots started to sink in but I was still only feeling a little buzzed. We brought our own cups(because we're college kids and don't want to pay 5$), so after making some quick hello's we made straight for the keg. After a few beers and some time circulating the party, I was finally approaching the optimal stage of drunk. I walked outside with J and some other people so they could smoke cigarettes and shortly afterwards was approached by a girl, we'll call her [drunkslut], looking for a lighter. By this point a couple of other drunk girls has asked us for lighters and then, after lighting their deathsticks, turned and walked away. Assuming this was another one of those encounters I directed her to my smoking friends as I knew one of them had a lighter. However, after she lit her cigarette she hung around and we start talking. "I like your lip ring..."
She continued to blatantly hit on me for a little while then I told her we should go inside. We go into the house for some more blatant flirting and next thing i know we are making out. It got pretty intense at some points and we stop only occasionally for her to grind on me in rhythm to the music blaring from the nearby stereo (according to eyewitnesses this went on for close to 45 minutes). Eventually I had to just push her away from me so I could drink more beer and receive attention from other people at the party. I went outside to refill my cup when another girl who I've known for a while runs up to me.
"Wow Jon, you've been making out with that girl for like an hour!"
"What can I say, I'm damn good."
"Didn't you need to stop to breathe?"
"Ha, yeah that's why I had to push her off me and come out here"
"HaHa, I like your style"
Feeling pretty confident I went to go find J to hear further praise of my conduct. While talking to him we see drunkslut stumble by talking on the phone. She comes up to me and says "Hey we're leaving, do you wanna come with us?" Now this girl was probably only a 3 star but she was doing all the work and besides, WWTMD? So obviously I said yes and preceded to get stuffed into the back seat of some SUV with about 8 other people. We stopped to get some beer and then went to drunkslut's friend's apartment to drink it. I wasn't really sure what was going on but there was alcohol so I was happy. We get upstairs and the girls go into another room together and talk. Apparently drunkslut's friend, drunkerslut, was pissed that drunkslut was just making out with me instead of paying attention to her. When they came out they claimed it was resolved but then drunkslut said we should go back to her place. Her roommate calls a cab (which the guy she was with payed for) and we get back to their place. Drunkslut dragged me back to her room where we almost immediately hit her bed... After some mild foreplay we start to get into it. This girl gave it to me rough, I probably still have marks from her biting me but I loved every minute of it. For a while anyways, I have a short attention span. I left the room to go to the bathroom and when I came out she was asleep. I saw the clock next to her bed and it was 7am, damn were we really up all night?! I had already decided I didn't want to see this girl again so I got dressed and left, making sure not to wake her in the process, never to see her again. I still have no idea who she was, I don't think we had any mutual friends at that party, but goddamn was that a great night.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Life, Chapter 3.
A friend of mine had a birthday recently; as we were talking about how she was planning on celebrating, she revealed that she felt a little bit nervous about turning 22 and that it made her feel old. While letting go of your childhood can be scary, it can also be really exciting. It may be the end of one thing, but it's the start of a whole new chapter. The third chapter. It's the longest, but if you do it right, its also the best.
Let's break down each chapter individually:
Chapter 1, Childhood, Age 0-15: This is the chapter that really forms who you're going to be in the future. You start out not really knowing anything, so everything is new and interesting. Anything people tell you is generally taken as fact, which can make for embarrassing situations, the scars from which will eventually lead you down a path of self-medication.
Chapter 2, The Teen Years, Age 16-20: By this point you've probably decided who you're going to be, maybe even what you want to do after high school. You just discovered how to drive and how to drink, but you think you're way better at both of those things than you actually are.
Chapter 3, Adulthood, Age 21-45: There is some dispute as to the age this actually ends so it really depends on the person, but there is no arguing that it starts at 21. When you turn 21 in America it opens up a whole new world. Businesses that were previously off-limits start to welcome you with open arms, and you love when someone asks to see your ID because you have nothing to hide; welcome to the world of drinking legally. Gone are the days of being stuck at a terrible house party because it's the only option, just bail and go to a club and party with a group of complete strangers! I admit there are some downsides; having to pay bills and rent, worrying about a job, having to manage your time appropriately between partying and "being responsible," etc. But those things are a small price to pay, for the freedom of being a single, young adult.
Chapter 4, The End, Age 45-?: People often look upon the end as being a negative thing, but just because it is the final chapter does not mean all your good times are behind you. At this point you're probably settled down or are at least old enough that your sex drive does not overrule the rational decision making part of your brain so you're able to focus on your career, retirement, and going out on top. And once you make it to retirement, you are pretty much all set to just spend the rest of your life relaxing and spending all the loot you've accumulated through 50 years of hard work.
Let's break down each chapter individually:
Chapter 1, Childhood, Age 0-15: This is the chapter that really forms who you're going to be in the future. You start out not really knowing anything, so everything is new and interesting. Anything people tell you is generally taken as fact, which can make for embarrassing situations, the scars from which will eventually lead you down a path of self-medication.
Chapter 2, The Teen Years, Age 16-20: By this point you've probably decided who you're going to be, maybe even what you want to do after high school. You just discovered how to drive and how to drink, but you think you're way better at both of those things than you actually are.
Chapter 3, Adulthood, Age 21-45: There is some dispute as to the age this actually ends so it really depends on the person, but there is no arguing that it starts at 21. When you turn 21 in America it opens up a whole new world. Businesses that were previously off-limits start to welcome you with open arms, and you love when someone asks to see your ID because you have nothing to hide; welcome to the world of drinking legally. Gone are the days of being stuck at a terrible house party because it's the only option, just bail and go to a club and party with a group of complete strangers! I admit there are some downsides; having to pay bills and rent, worrying about a job, having to manage your time appropriately between partying and "being responsible," etc. But those things are a small price to pay, for the freedom of being a single, young adult.
Chapter 4, The End, Age 45-?: People often look upon the end as being a negative thing, but just because it is the final chapter does not mean all your good times are behind you. At this point you're probably settled down or are at least old enough that your sex drive does not overrule the rational decision making part of your brain so you're able to focus on your career, retirement, and going out on top. And once you make it to retirement, you are pretty much all set to just spend the rest of your life relaxing and spending all the loot you've accumulated through 50 years of hard work.

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Leave No Man Behind
Last night we went out to celebrate a friend's birthday. It started out as a pretty standard night, but the best nights always do. We were taking shots and drinking champagne at our place until about 10:30 then we called a cab and hit the bar. Once we were there Confident and I started talking to a few girls, enticing them with tales of our escapades, and that's when I realized the difficulty in talking to people at a bar. Now I think this bar might have had particularly bad acoustics, and it probably didn't help that we weren't very far from the speakers, but I had to yell at the person standing next to me and even then there was no guarantee they could hear. I know that's an almost cliche observation but I never realized how accurate it is.
Despite that, it was a pretty successful night out. Once we decided to leave we found a cab and went over the local late night eatery, conveniently located well within walking distance of our place. I don't think we noticed until we got there but of the 5 people who cabbed to the bar, only 4 of them made it in the cab back. We attempted to make phone contact with him but we weren't sure he made it out alive until we saw him post on facebook this morning.
I guess before we leave the bars we need do roll call and make sure we don't lose anyone like that. LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND!
Despite that, it was a pretty successful night out. Once we decided to leave we found a cab and went over the local late night eatery, conveniently located well within walking distance of our place. I don't think we noticed until we got there but of the 5 people who cabbed to the bar, only 4 of them made it in the cab back. We attempted to make phone contact with him but we weren't sure he made it out alive until we saw him post on facebook this morning.
I guess before we leave the bars we need do roll call and make sure we don't lose anyone like that. LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The pictures from our St. Patty's day party are now online!
If you want to see them just like our page on facebook:
If you want to see them just like our page on facebook:
Monday, March 19, 2012
St. Patrick's Day 2012
Our St. Patrick's day party was a huge success! The night began with us drinking some crazy, allegedly illegal, Japanese alcohol. It was brown, smelled like whiskey, and had a rattle snake in the bottom of the bottle.
We were still setting up for the party while taking shots of that, and it was gone by the time people started showing up. This led to some interesting stories the next morning. My favorite of which was about some random kid who threw a cigarette of the balcony and on to the roof of our neighbor's car. He then decided to put the cigarette out by dumping his whole beer onto the car.

As crazy and fun as the party was, apparently the real action happened the day after St. Patrick's day down in Boston. During the St. Patrick's day parade, people were getting pretty rowdy:
Boston loves St. Patty's day.
We were still setting up for the party while taking shots of that, and it was gone by the time people started showing up. This led to some interesting stories the next morning. My favorite of which was about some random kid who threw a cigarette of the balcony and on to the roof of our neighbor's car. He then decided to put the cigarette out by dumping his whole beer onto the car.
As crazy and fun as the party was, apparently the real action happened the day after St. Patrick's day down in Boston. During the St. Patrick's day parade, people were getting pretty rowdy:
According to the Boston Police Department, officers issued 244 citations for drinking in public during the parade yesterday and made eight arrests for accounts of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace.
Boston loves St. Patty's day.
Monday, March 5, 2012
So people always ask New Naughty about how we rank girls. Well it’s a simple equation and can be displayed by Figure 1.
Figure 1:

Now you may find yourself asking; “What the hell is the MDS line?” Well that can be told by my experience in college while I was in the west coast. There was a girl I use to date that had the initials MJD and she was the perfect definition of bitchiness to hotness. What I mean by that is her hotness was about a 7 but her bitchiness was a 7, therefore give a perfect 1 to 1 slope. This meant that tolerating her complain about everything was worth it come the end of the night. Now the MDS refers to MJD syndrome, where if you are above this line, well then you got yourself a winner, but if she’s a 9 bitch and a 6 hot, you know you got problems. So the next time you take a girl out, ask yourself; “What would New Naughty do?”
Figure 1:

Now you may find yourself asking; “What the hell is the MDS line?” Well that can be told by my experience in college while I was in the west coast. There was a girl I use to date that had the initials MJD and she was the perfect definition of bitchiness to hotness. What I mean by that is her hotness was about a 7 but her bitchiness was a 7, therefore give a perfect 1 to 1 slope. This meant that tolerating her complain about everything was worth it come the end of the night. Now the MDS refers to MJD syndrome, where if you are above this line, well then you got yourself a winner, but if she’s a 9 bitch and a 6 hot, you know you got problems. So the next time you take a girl out, ask yourself; “What would New Naughty do?”
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Some Girls Can't Handle Their Wine.
So at one of the last ragers we threw, we had a gang of freshman hotties roll in around midnight. Apparently, we were the last stop on their party tour for the evening for obvious reasons. These girls all came in visibly wasted and had fresh unopened bottles of wine in tote. They continued to party with us until we finally kicked them out around three. Not long after, I started receiving texts from one of them saying that her friend had been drugged at the party in which I immediately called bullshit. We at the NewNaughty house have a strict no roofies policy. These girls must have not realized that we aint no half-assed college frat, we keep it classy. But this got me thinking and I started investigating. Ive been taking a lot of photos with my new camera lately and I went back through all of the photos with those girls from that night and found an obvious reason for her “being drugged.” In every picture, her huge bottle of wine was less and less. This 98 pound freshman housed an entire bottle of wine, and who knows what else she drank on top of that. I guess freshman girls haven’t grasped their tolerances for liquor yet. Drunk as fuck, yes, drugged, no.

Monday, February 20, 2012
i gotta hangover
For those of you who weren't there, Saturday was the night of the 80s party, and it couldn't have gone better. A lot of great people, a lot of alcohol (although we're thinking maybe the next party should have TWO kegs.) and there is A LOT of pictures.
The theme was a definite success, everyone was in 80s era attire, and the playlist was full of unforgettable 80s hits giving us the perfect soundtrack for the night.
The next day.... well the next day can really be best described like this:
Almost as soon as I woke up, I could not wait for that night. I was ready for round 2. Around 6:30 I hit up the liquor store for some Jack Daniels and a case of Coor's light, invited over a few girls, and started making moves. Like Wiz Khalifa said, "When you live like this you're supposed to party,"
Saturday, February 11, 2012
#inspiredbyliving is now on twitter!
Follow us @
Follow us @
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Some of the ads on our page are really funny. I clicked on one about lazer tag and it turns out there is something called the "International Lazer Tag Association". Hilarious.
The ILTA has been in existance for over 16 years with the stated purpose of helping individuals and companies to start or add a laser tag business. We are giving away a free Resource Guide, available for download, after you have registered.

If you live in New England, you know this is true.
My roommate found this great video the other day. It only had 15000 views at the time and now its over 200k!
It is wicked funny but I have a suspicion that this video wasn't made in Massachusetts.
It is wicked funny but I have a suspicion that this video wasn't made in Massachusetts.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Lazertag rules.
2012 has been looking pretty promising so far. I finally convinced the other guys to come out and play lazer tag with me and goddamn that was awesome. We only played for a couple hours but we went full speed the whole time. There is really nothing more satisfying than shooting your friend in the back and seeing that look of frustration as the turn around to identify their killer. Just make sure you get out of there before he resets and shoots you back...
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