Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last Night We Went Out In New Hampshire And...

Me: Why did we come here, this place sucks.
Batman: Because this where everyone our age hangs out, it's like a college bar.
Me: Well is it a gay college bar? Because there is a lot of dudes here.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I've noticed alot of girls have gotten into relationships towards the end of 2012. Well I am going to make a prediction: 90% of relationships that started between August and February will be done by July.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1 1/2 oz 151 proof rum
2 - 3 dashes Tabasco sauce

Build ingredients in a shot glass, and serve.

Sounds scary.
It's called a prairie dog; some girl recommended this shot to me on facebook but I've yet to find anyone with a stomach strong enough to try it with me. 
This got me thinking about other shots I've never tried:
Feeling Canadian? How about a 'Moose Fart':
1 part Absolut vodka
1 part Crown Royal Canadian whiskey
1 part Kahlua coffee liqueur
1 part Bailey's Irish cream

Be careful when ordering this next one, the bartender might take it the wrong way:
Sit On My Face 
1/3 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur
1/3 oz Frangelico hazelnut liqueur
1/3 oz Bailey's Irish cream

Burning Nazi
1/2 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur
1/2 oz Rumple Minze peppermint liqueur

 What's your favorite shot? Write on our wall at