Sunday, December 30, 2012

Like Vegas, but with more booze...

For those of you that have never played craps, [from wikipedia:] "Each round has two phases: Come Out and Point. To start a round, the shooter makes one or more Come Out rolls. A Come Out roll of 2, 3 or 12 (called Craps, the shooter is said to 'crap out') ends the round with players losing their Pass Line bets. A Come Out roll of 7 or 11 (a Natural) results in a win for Pass Line bets. The shooter continues to make Come Out rolls until he rolls 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, which number becomes the Point. The dealer then moves an On button to the point number signifying the second phase of the round. If the shooter rolls the point number, the result is a win for bets on the Pass Line. If the shooter rolls a seven (a Seven-out), the pass line loses and the round ends."

I have decided that this can easily become a drinking game, and the best part is that all you need are a couple of dice. However, some might find the rules slightly complicated so let me lay it out as simply as I can:

Player roles two dice. If the result is 2, 3, or 12, the player loses and must drink. If the result is 7 or 11, the player wins and can pass out one drink to another player. If a point is rolled (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) it must be repeated before a 7 is thrown in order to win. In other words, the player must reroll until they get what they originally rolled, or a 7. In this case a 7 is a lose and the player must drink; rolling the same number as the first role is a win and the player can pass out one drink.

I think that this game will be alot of fun, not to mention a quick way to get drunk, so make sure to tell your friends! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

A recent observation

Usually when a group of guys is planning on heading to a house party they will try to bring a group of girls with them to increase their chances of getting in. Once inside, however, it is not uncommon for the guys to separate so they can try and meet other girls. Girls have a similar strategy. They might bring a few guys with them to a party or even a bar, but for a much different reason. A girl's biggest fear when going out is being relentlessly hit on by an overbearing and creepy guy. An effective way of preventing this is by having guy friends standing right next to them. This may make it sound like they are trying to be unapproachable and therefore you shouldn't even attempt to talk to them but the important thing to remember is this: while any hot girl will not have a hard time finding a guy to hit on her, there is always a shortage of GOOD guys. If you are out and you see a girl or girls who are hanging out with guys, you should remain confident and introduce yourself. Next, you'll want to make sure that the girl actually is single, and many times you will find the guy is just there as a friend. Then it's just a matter of turning on the charm. From here, there are two ways you can go: the first, is to separate the girl you're interested in from her friends so you can talk to her in private. This approach can be risky because you may find her group of friends will come back to cockblock you and take her away. The better approach is to keep the conversation focused on her so that she picks up on your intentions but keep her friends involved enough such that they begin to like you as well thus making them more likely to let her leave with you. Guys bring girls to parties to help them get in. Girls bring guys to parties for protection. When poorly executed, this may lead to no one meeting anyone. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


(this story actually occurred a few months ago but I started writing it right after it happened...) Last night me and my friend came up with an awesome new game. We were drinking at my house, playing beer pong and chatting with some of the neighbors. Then one of my friends decides we should go out downtown. Its already pretty late at this point, and I was not exactly sober, but I reluctantly agree and we walk downtown. We know one of the bouncers at one of the bars in downtown Lowell so that's usually the place we end up, and this night was no exception. We walk in and go get a couple drinks, but I wasn't even that interested in drinking (like I said, we already had been drinking all night), I really just wanted to talk to girls. In order to help things along I turn to my friend and try to encourage him with a challenge: who can get the most numbers. He agrees so I say, "go" and walk away. The first girl I tried to talk to informed me that she had a boyfriend so I left her alone. I went to the dance floor and asked the second girl to dance. She was down but her friend swoops in with her palm held in front of her and pushes me away. Fuck it, I'm not discouraged. I head over to a different part of the bar and go up to the third girl. She was apparently on her way out but I stopped her, introduced myself, and got her to talk to me long enough to get her number before she had to leave and catch up with her friends. The funniest part of the whole interaction wasn't even me talking to the girl; as she started walking away I was still putting her number in my phone and some random d00d that was watching the whole thing just looks at me in awe. I looked up at him, smiled, said, "that's all it takes..." then walked away to go find my friend. The lesson I got out of this is that the keys to success are persistence and confidence. And it really is true in all aspects of life. If you don't let failure get you down and believe what you're saying, people will listen to you.