Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011

I've been watching alot of Mad Men recently and I got to say, that's the life I want to live. These guys drink during the day (at work), wear awesome suits, and constantly get laid. All while making a shit ton of money in the world of marketing.
I don't know whether it was Ari Gold or Barney Stintson that first made me feel this way, but suits=class. Just wearing a suit makes you feel like a baller. I just got a new suit a couple days ago and I cant wait to wear it out to the bar and just instantly get female attention, just like we did this night
Monday, September 12, 2011
Mansfield Trip 2011 (from jonmakinmoves.blogspot.com)
There's a reason I love new england. People here just don't seem to give a fuck. While people on the west coast have to worry about whether or not their pants are tight enough for them to get in to the club, people in new england are busy having bonfires while getting wasted in the woods.
We went to a concert last night in a city about an hour away. We took shots and pounded a few beers before we even left. Then we piled 6 people into a 2-door blazer and started off. Due to people's need of money, gas, and cigarettes, or whatever they were complaining about, we had to make 3 stops before we could even leave town.
ONE HOUR LATER we are finally on our way the concert. At this point I had already finished the bottle of Death Mix which I somehow expected to last the whole ride, and I was starting to get thirsty. All of a sudden I hear the *crack* of a beer opening behind me. I turn around and see the two guys in the trunk have a 30 of Budweiser sitting between them. I was thirsty no more: the whole trip to the show we were throwing back beers while criticizing our driver for inadequate driving skills which must indicate a lack of male genitalia.
The show was at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, which is not like most other venues. If you've never been there, the best thing to compare it to is a theme park. The entrance way and even the way the stage/seating were set up reminded me of going to sea world. We ended up getting there late so we missed the opening bands and walked in just as the headliners were starting. The show was mediocre but it was alot of fun. We left early to get back home and find a party and after navigating our way through the maze of a parking lot we were back on the highway and the drinking continued.
We were surprised that we didn't already have a party to go to as we were on the way back, but once we got to our apartment we started to see why. We live on a college campus and school just got back in session so there are parties all the time. On this night, however, the police decided this wasn't going to happen. All of university ave was filled with police and we passed at least 1 party in the process of being broken up. From our patio I watched two kids with backpacks get stopped by police, searched (probably illegally), and arrested. So much for them not giving a fuck. Obviously, I wasn't going to let this stop me from having fun so I made my friend ditch his girlfriend and drive me to the bar where we had a couple beers and laughed about how ridiculous our lives are now that I'm back in New England.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Blacklist
We're thinking of implementing a blacklist at the BBB house. A list of people, mostly girls, who are just never allowed back inside. We already have more than a few names ready to go on that list. Girls that have just pissed us off by being way too annoying. I'm talking about drunk girls who stand on the roof and yell at cops, and idiots that break shit. People that just generally have no value to us whatsoever.
The real question is how do you enforce the list? Should we just hang it up outside, publish it on the website?
The real question is how do you enforce the list? Should we just hang it up outside, publish it on the website?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
BBB is blowing up! A few nights ago we weren't even planning on throwing on a party, but THE PARTY SHOWED UP. So many people in our crib on a SUNDAY! Thats how BBB does it so get it right.
Shit got crazy that night though: Some ludicrous chick was standing on the roof yelling at people walking by which slowly but surely turned into yelling at COPS. This was OBVIOUSLY a mistake and the cops were soon knocking on our door. THANKFULLY nothing happened as a result of that and we were able to go back to partying until we kicked everyone out around 2. I gotta admit: I don't remember a whole lot from that night, but I blame that on the crazy amount of Patron that was poured into my throat.
Fast forward to the next day: I'm at my boy's bbq getting my grub on when some of the other beantown bad boyz show up and lay on me what just happened. As they were leaving the place, some bros from across the street start confronting them about their smashed up audi. Turns out that it got smashed up the night before and apparently the culprit was seen entering our house. Not sure how it is that they saw it happen and didn't stop it or say anything until a day later buttttt thats not the point. As much as we love being assholes we don't really want to piss anyone off, especially our neighbors, so we start doing some investigating. We think about everyone that was at the party and we conclude that there is one possible suspect so we bring it up to the owners of the car. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PLOT TWIST: the kid we think could have done it left at 11pm. We ask when this all went down, the car's owner says 3am. If you read back earlier in the story everyone was out by 2am. Which means the doors were locked and we were busy being passed out or failing with some drunk chick. So it COULDNT have been us, or anyone we knew. These bros are just being haters.
We have never done anything to these guys across the street but I guess one could see why they would hate us. After all, almost EVERY DAY we have massive amounts of chicks over yet every time I look over at their patio I see AT LEAST 8-10 guys with their shirts off and 0 women. You do the math.
Shit got crazy that night though: Some ludicrous chick was standing on the roof yelling at people walking by which slowly but surely turned into yelling at COPS. This was OBVIOUSLY a mistake and the cops were soon knocking on our door. THANKFULLY nothing happened as a result of that and we were able to go back to partying until we kicked everyone out around 2. I gotta admit: I don't remember a whole lot from that night, but I blame that on the crazy amount of Patron that was poured into my throat.
Fast forward to the next day: I'm at my boy's bbq getting my grub on when some of the other beantown bad boyz show up and lay on me what just happened. As they were leaving the place, some bros from across the street start confronting them about their smashed up audi. Turns out that it got smashed up the night before and apparently the culprit was seen entering our house. Not sure how it is that they saw it happen and didn't stop it or say anything until a day later buttttt thats not the point. As much as we love being assholes we don't really want to piss anyone off, especially our neighbors, so we start doing some investigating. We think about everyone that was at the party and we conclude that there is one possible suspect so we bring it up to the owners of the car. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PLOT TWIST: the kid we think could have done it left at 11pm. We ask when this all went down, the car's owner says 3am. If you read back earlier in the story everyone was out by 2am. Which means the doors were locked and we were busy being passed out or failing with some drunk chick. So it COULDNT have been us, or anyone we knew. These bros are just being haters.
We have never done anything to these guys across the street but I guess one could see why they would hate us. After all, almost EVERY DAY we have massive amounts of chicks over yet every time I look over at their patio I see AT LEAST 8-10 guys with their shirts off and 0 women. You do the math.
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